Friday, September 7, 2007

John Martin from Adelaide, South Australia writes:

This week, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) television program Compass, hosted by Geraldine Doogue, ran a production on Interfaith Ministry. It was based on a book written by Peter Kirkwood and published by ABC Books in Sydney, Australia. Now I am reading the book — The Quiet Revolution — and it is an inspiring story indeed. I had never heard of the Parliament of the World's Religions, so I am moving into a set of stories completely new to me.
Despite the glamorous report presented through the television lens, the movement may have much goodwill building to do. Given that I live in a far-flung part of the world, I feel the need not to invest too much hope in it yet. On the other hand, this is no time in the life of the planet to be timid and doubtful. Perhaps you might comment on the movement and provide some guidance to those of us unfamiliar with, but not averse to, this approach?

Dear John,

The Parliament of the World's Religions is a reputable organization, developed by competent people, one of whom is The Rt. Rev. William Swing, retired Episcopal (Anglican) Bishop of California. Whether it is now or will be an effective organization is still a question. Only time will tell. The direction in which it seeks to move is quite obviously the correct one.

Transcending a cultural faith tradition in the name of a vision of a world religion is not easy. It demands that all religious systems sacrifice their claims to possess exclusive truth or to be the sole pathway to God. It invites people to live in the insecurity of uncertainty and to embrace the fact that we are creatures bound by time and space talking about a God who is not.. True religion is not about possessing the truth. No religion does that. It is rather an invitation into a journey that leads one toward the mystery of God. Idolatry is religion pretending that it has all the answers.

Will the Parliament succeed? All I know is that every new movement begins with a new idea and a single step. This organization seeks to bring about a conversation where none has previously existed. Unless we find a way to transcend tribal limits and the religious systems (including our own) that have their origins in tribal thinking, I do not believe that there will be a realistic hope for the future of humanity. Far too many human beings have already been killed by others in the name of their God.

So I support this initiative and I hope others will also.

- John Shelby Spong

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